May and June are always hard. Fun, but hard. The kids have end - of - year concerts, parties, field trips, etc. There are permission slips and requests for food and rides to coordinate. Throw in baseball, softball and art lessons (this year we also included a weekend of out - of - town guests and a weekend away) and I'm about done in. And oh, I decided to begin marathon training.
We can all feel how close we are to summer. The weather is warmer, the days are longer and the air smells sweet. (I'm actually allergic to that sweet and floral smell! Even in my itchiness, though, I recognize its goodness.) The kids enjoy every moment outside they can get. We crave time in that summer air.
We just have a few more weeks, which include exams, and the school year is over. House ball schedules end at the same time. Before I know it, the kids will be at camp for a week and I may actually have time to clean the house. But you know what? I bet I miss it.
For all of the stress. For all all of the worry over rides. For all of the needing to ask for help. For all of the unwashed dishes. For all of's worth it. It's true that there is a season for everything. When our kids are tweens and teens and we are balancing our lives on a tightrope (or whatever season you're in), it all passes. There is an end and beginning to all.
July will bring less structure. We'll have tournament weekends, but lazy week days. The kids will be asking for friends and theme parks and ice cream. It will be a lovely in-between. (August has less ball, but some pretty fun celebrations this year!)
I just keep remembering that these days pass. The stress never stays. And my (current) favorite verse (mentioned the other day): In Him all things hold together. He's got this, so we don't always have to.
How do you get through your busy seasons?
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